Digital Eye Strain in Regina

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Too Much of a Good Thing

You work hard, and when you spend hours working in front of your computer, your eyes work hard too. Even screens used for entertainment, like gaming consoles, televisions, and smartphones, cause your eyes to do more work than they normally would. 

Technology is usually a force for good. At Advance Eye Care, we tout the benefits of it all the time. But, too much of a good thing can harm you, and that is true for digital device use. 

If you’re experiencing eye discomfort after a hard day’s work—or a great day’s play—we can help. We’ll assess your screen habits and provide some strategies to mitigate your discomfort. 

Symptoms of Digital Eye Strain

There are a few common symptoms associated with digital eye strain, including:

  • Dry eyes
  • Headaches
  • Eye strain
  • Blurry vision
  • Neck and shoulder pain

These symptoms are also associated with trigeminal dysphoria, a condition our optometry team takes a special interest in treating.

To be sure that your symptoms are not part of a more serious issue, visit us for a comprehensive assessment today. You can learn more about trigeminal dysphoria on our Neurolens page.

Digital Eye Strain Solutions

With the ever-increasing amount of screens in our digital world, there are solutions available to ease the strain your eyes can go through on a daily basis. Your eye doctor will discuss your current lifestyle and visual health to determine a solution, such as specific lenses or optimizing your workspace, right for you.

Varilux Digitime

Varilux Digitime are task-specific lenses designed to make screen time more comfortable. They feature 2 exclusive innovations—the ultra near vision zone as well as screen distance personalization.

As a result, your eyes become more relaxed reading smaller characters, you can maintain a natural posture when viewing a digital device, and the large field of vision allows for full coverage when viewing a screen

Eyezen+ lenses are available in both prescription and nonprescription lenses, as well as kid’s lenses, so everyone is able to protect their eyes from increased screen time.

They protect your eyes from harmful blue light with advanced filtering technology while providing crisp, clear vision to help you see the fine details.

Visual ergonomics refers to the environmental factors that can affect how effectively your eyes view a screen. This can include lighting conditions, glare, and workstation design.

Our optometrists will discuss the ergonomics of your workstation and help you optimize your environment to better your visual function and minimize digital eye strain.

Creating new screen habits is important to protecting your eye health. Steps you can take include:

  • The 20-20-20 Rule: every 20 minutes, focus on an object 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.
  • Minimize Screen Glare: be aware of the light sources in your environment and position your screen accordingly. You can also use an anti-glare screen cover.
  • Clean Your Screen: keep your screen free from fingerprints and dust to improve visual clarity.
  • Optimal Screen Distance: your screen should be 15–20 degrees below eye level and around 20–28 inches away from your eyes.

Digital Eye Strain or Trigeminal Dysphoria?

Many patients who suffer from digital eye strain also have eye misalignment. Neurolens is designed to treat misalignment, a condition that is thought to be the root cause of digital eye strain. These lenses are the only prescription lenses that contain a contoured prism to correct misalignment at all distances, helping to provide relief from digital eye strain.

Visit our Neurolens page to learn more about trigeminal dysphoria and treatment options.

Find Relief Today

We aren’t asking you to give up your digital devices. But, we do want to help you mitigate any discomfort they cause you. Book an appointment today to see how we can help.


Visit Advance Eye Care Center in Regina, for all your eye care needs. We offer a number of services, including:

Interested in our services? Book an appointment below.

AECC Regina

  • 3617B Pasqua Street
  • Regina, SK S4S 6W8

*in July and August we are closed on Saturdays and open 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM on Thursdays

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