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How Too Much Screen Time Can Affect Your Child’s Eyes

A cropped image of a young child wearing jeans and a dark denim button-up shirt, playing on a tablet in their lap, while sitting cross-legged on an orange couch

With technology constantly evolving, it’s easy to see that screens and devices are evolving alongside us. They’ve become an integral part of how we interact with each other, education, leisure activities, and more. But with great power comes great responsibility, so learning how to manage screen time and being aware of its potential effects on […]

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18 Eyewear Trends for 2021

Two toned eye glasses on black and white background

2021 might be off to a rocky start, but there’s no reason not to keep your fashion headstrong. Not only that, but the lens and frame materials of your glasses are always a great canvas for innovations in the functional materials and coatings available. Sunglasses come with choices too. There are already a lot of […]

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Why Are My Eyes Watery?

Young woman rubbing watery eyes with both hands

Have you recently found your eyes watering unexpectedly? If so, don’t worry—you’re not alone. Watery eyes can affect people at any age, and numerous factors can cause them. It might sound strange, but watery eyes can even result from dry eye disease! Visiting your eye doctor for an exam is the best way to determine […]

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