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Category: Dry Eye

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Does Dry Eye Affect Your Vision?

Man rubbing his eye in discomfort because he suffers from dry eye

Dry eye disease can leave your eyes with a burning, uncomfortable, and irritated feeling. Fortunately, many cases of dry eye are temporary, caused by environmental factors like strong air conditioning in an office, smoky air, or living in a climate with harsh prairie winters and forgetting to turn on your humidifier. But please, don’t brush […]

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Why Are My Eyes Watery?

Young woman rubbing watery eyes with both hands

Have you recently found your eyes watering unexpectedly? If so, don’t worry—you’re not alone. Watery eyes can affect people at any age, and numerous factors can cause them. It might sound strange, but watery eyes can even result from dry eye disease! Visiting your eye doctor for an exam is the best way to determine […]

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What Really Causes Dry Eye?

photos of a lady with green eyes side by side before and after dry eye treatment

What is Dry Eye? Dry eye can be an uncomfortable and debilitating condition that, if left untreated, can lead to significant permanent damage to your eyes. Dry eye often occurs due to a lack of production of good quality tears, causing the eye to feel gritty and dry. If you have unusually red eyes coupled […]

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