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Category: Children's Eye Care

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How to Cure Myopia: 5 Ways To Reduce Myopia Naturally

A little girl in front of a blurred eye test chart holding her head because of a headache due to myopia

Myopia, or nearsightedness, affects 30% of the population. It is one of the most common eye conditions in the world. Like other refractive errors, myopia causes objects at a certain distance to become blurry. No single home remedy can fully treat myopia. While corrective lenses or surgery remain the most effective solutions, certain natural methods […]

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When Should My Child Have Their First Eye Exam?

A smiling child undergoes visual acuity testing as their parent gently reassures them.

Every parent wants their child to grow up healthy and happy. While we often think about nutrition, exercise, and regular doctor visits, one crucial area sometimes gets overlooked—eye health. Your child should typically have their first exam between 6 and 9 months, but there are a few other important eye exam milestones to consider as […]

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How Do Corrective Lenses Help Myopia?

A young boy smiling and holding onto the side of his glasses

Myopia is the most common cause of distance refractive errors worldwide. Due to the rise in myopia prevalence over the past few decades and the sight-threatening issues associated with extreme myopia, such as cataracts, and glaucoma myopia has become a significant public health concern. This leaves people looking for ways to reduce symptoms. Myopia, also […]

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How Too Much Screen Time Can Affect Your Child’s Eyes

A cropped image of a young child wearing jeans and a dark denim button-up shirt, playing on a tablet in their lap, while sitting cross-legged on an orange couch

With technology constantly evolving, it’s easy to see that screens and devices are evolving alongside us. They’ve become an integral part of how we interact with each other, education, leisure activities, and more. But with great power comes great responsibility, so learning how to manage screen time and being aware of its potential effects on […]

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Are Glasses or Contact Lenses Better for Myopia Control?

Child wearing glasses to help correct myopia

If you had to guess how many Canadians are living with myopia, what percentage would you come up with? 10%? 15%? Currently, about 30% of Canadians have myopia, and studies suggest that number will rise. By 2050, experts believe over half of the entire world population will develop at least some degree of myopia. So […]

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