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Category: Eye Conditions & Treatments

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Does LASIK Last Forever?

A patient on the surgical table, prepped to undergo LASIK surgery.

For those wanting to improve their vision or seeking freedom from glasses or contacts, LASIK is a life-changing procedure.  This procedure improves vision by using specialized lasers to reshape the eye’s corneal tissue, altering its structure. However, this reshaping cannot prevent the onset of age-related visual changes or other concerns like LASIK regression.  While LASIK […]

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Eyelash in Eye: How to Safely Remove It and Relieve Discomfort

A woman holding her right hand over her right eye because of pain in her eye

It’s common to get the occasional eyelash in the eye, but it’s no fun when it’s stuck in there and you can’t get it out. While the feeling of having something foreign wedged in your eye can be disconcerting, with a bit of patience and care, you can get out that bothersome eyelash.  We’ll guide […]

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How to Cure Myopia: 5 Ways To Reduce Myopia Naturally

A little girl in front of a blurred eye test chart holding her head because of a headache due to myopia

Myopia, or nearsightedness, affects 30% of the population. It is one of the most common eye conditions in the world. Like other refractive errors, myopia causes objects at a certain distance to become blurry. No single home remedy can fully treat myopia. While corrective lenses or surgery remain the most effective solutions, certain natural methods […]

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What is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction?

A person is sitting at a desk wearing a white t-shirt with a green shirt over top and they are rubbing their eyes with both hands and look uncomfortable.

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is an eye condition that occurs when the Meibomian glands are blocked or can’t produce enough oil to lubricate the eyes. This can lead to other painful visual conditions. Luckily, MGD can be easily identified during eye exams and extensive treatments are available.  What Causes Meibomian Gland Dysfunction? The Meibomian glands […]

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Can Astigmatism Be Cured?

A young woman squinting while looking through her pair of prescription eyeglasses

Living with blurred vision can feel like viewing the world through a constantly out-of-focus camera. For those grappling with astigmatism, this isn’t just a metaphor—it’s a daily reality. Though it can be corrected with glasses and even some modern contact lenses, you may wonder if it can be cured. Astigmatism is typically caused by an […]

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