Your glasses should provide clear, comfortable vision. If you’re experiencing blurry vision or discomfort, it may be time to reevaluate your prescription. According to the Canadian Association of Optometrists, prescription lenses are typically valid for 1-2 years, but it’s important to schedule an eye exam annually to ensure your prescription is up to date. But […]
Can Blue Light Glasses Help With Headaches?
Many people experience digital eye strain and headaches due to prolonged screen use. However, there is no evidence that blue light glasses can help. […]
Can You Wear Contacts With Dry Eyes?
With advances in contact lens technology and a wide variety of brands, wearing contact lenses is more accessible than ever. Even those with dry eyes and other eye conditions can switch to contact lenses. If you have dry eyes, there are different styles of lenses and materials you can try to keep your eyes hydrated. […]
Why Do My Eyes Feel Strained When Wearing Contacts?
Eye strain is common for many people, especially when wearing contact lenses. You can experience eye strain when wearing contacts for many reasons, including digital eye strain. If eye strain is a common experience for you, what’s the possible cause? Continue reading to learn more about eye strain, including what it is and what can […]
What Is a Contact Lens Fitting?
Your eyes are unique, and that means they require careful and dedicated care. A comprehensive contact lens exam isn’t complete without your optometrist conducting a contact lens fitting to get a comfortable and precise fit for your new contacts. Let’s explore the contact lens fitting process, what to expect, and how it benefits your vision. […]
How Long Do Prescription Glasses Usually Last?
The Lifespan of Eyeglasses Modern prescription lenses are more durable than ever. Once they were made of shatter-vulnerable glass, but today eyeglass lenses are made of high-tech plastics. With lenses optimized to resist damage, you can enjoy your lenses with less worry. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, even your favourite pair of glasses. You may not […]
Can I Get Contact Lenses for Reading?
We spend a lot of time reading information up close. Whether it’s a magazine, a book, or a phone, we live in a world where we consume information constantly. Reading with clarity is essential to maintaining a good quality of life. Usually, reading glasses are the best option when you have trouble focusing up close. […]
What Age Can Kids Start Wearing Contacts?
A lot of adults choose to wear contact lenses for a multitude of reasons. They’re comfortable, easy, and can give you a wider field of vision. For some people, contacts are the better choice when it comes to vision correction. But what about contact lenses for children? As a parent, you may wonder when it’s […]
How Do MiSight Contact Lenses Work?
Myopia is a common eye condition diagnosed through a comprehensive eye exam. If your child has myopia, your optometrist will recommend treatment to reduce or slow its progression. There are several treatments for myopia control, and MiSight contact lenses are a common form of this. If you’re debating getting your child MiSight contacts, what is […]
Do Blue Light Lenses Help with Eye Strain?
Blue light has gained some attention lately, as more and more people talk about what harm it might induce in your eyes over time. Screentime with smartphones is becoming more and more common for our patients, and some show signs of fatigue at scheduled eye exams. Digital devices put out white light, so you can […]