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Category: Glasses & Contact Lenses

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How Long Eye Prescriptions Are Good For & Why They Change

A man sitting at a table with his laptop, phone, and coffee mug, taking his glasses slightly off to see if he better able focus on the computer screen.

Your glasses should provide clear, comfortable vision. If you’re experiencing blurry vision or discomfort, it may be time to reevaluate your prescription. According to the Canadian Association of Optometrists, prescription lenses are typically valid for 1-2 years, but it’s important to schedule an eye exam annually to ensure your prescription is up to date. But […]

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Why Do My Eyes Feel Strained When Wearing Contacts?

A woman sitting at her desk her with her down in her hand due to eye strain and pain

Eye strain is common for many people, especially when wearing contact lenses. You can experience eye strain when wearing contacts for many reasons, including digital eye strain. If eye strain is a common experience for you, what’s the possible cause?  Continue reading to learn more about eye strain, including what it is and what can […]

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How Long Do Prescription Glasses Usually Last?

A young man trying on prescription glasses

The Lifespan of Eyeglasses Modern prescription lenses are more durable than ever. Once they were made of shatter-vulnerable glass, but today eyeglass lenses are made of high-tech plastics. With lenses optimized to resist damage, you can enjoy your lenses with less worry.  Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, even your favourite pair of glasses. You may not […]

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